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Category: Media

Luqman Onikosi’s deportation shows we are all being asked to become border guards

I was asked by the Campaign to Stop the Deportation of Luqman Onikosi and Luqman himself to write an article drawing attention to his case and, crucially, to the infiltration of the border into all realms of life. Luqman is adamant that this campaign not be framed in the individualist…

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Real Australians are a Myth

On November 9, I published an article in The Guardian, co-written with Omar Bensaidi, on the liberal approach to racism in Australia. Racism denial is rife in Australia among white elites and those captured in the tentacles of what Jon Stratton termed ‘honorary whiteness’. The article argued that Standing back…

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‘Bolt laws’: should it be unlawful to insult people because of their race?

I’m a bit late updating the site with this article from last week in which I argued, against Antony Loewenstein, that Section 18C of the Australian Race Discrimination Act should not be repealed as proposed by the Attorney General, George Brandis. I preempted Antony’s argument, that the 18C which protects…

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A Call for Open Borders

Update: A modified version of this post, appeared in The Guardian Australia on July 23 2013.

Both Australia and the UK have sunk to new lows by releasing ads targeted at ‘illegal immigrants’ (UK) and ‘boat people’ (Australia) telling them to go back to where they came from. I speculate that it is David Cameron’s election advisor, Lynton Crosby, an Australia, described by The Guardian as The Lizard of Oz, who is behind this copycat action in the UK but it might be just that great (!) minds think alike.

As Kevin Rudd unveiled his decision to send asylum seekers arriving to Australian shores by boat to be processed and resettled (if found to be ‘genuine refugees) in Australia’s (former) colony, Papua Guinea, ads appeared in newspapers telling asylum seekers in no uncertain terms that ‘If you come here by boat without a visa, you won’t be settled in Australia.’ The ad campaign is costing the Australian tax payer $2.5 million in its first week.

It was accompanied by what @damonayoung on Twitter called ‘immigration porn for xenophobes’: The Department for Immigration and Citizenship posting photographs and video of the first group of Iranian asylum seekers being told that they would be transferred to PNG (see photo left).

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Why Scott Morrison is wrong on immigration

Published on Guardian Australia on 19 July, 2013, my reaction to Australian opposition leader Scott Morrison’s speech on integration. Meanwhile, the governing Labour Party has hit asylum seekers hard by effectively making it impossible to seek refuge in Australia for those arriving by boat and resettling them in Australia’s old…

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Alana Lentin