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Tag: anti-Zionist Jews

RACE.ED event series – ‘Antisemitism and the proxification of antiracism’- 17 February 2021

UPDATE: You can now watch a recording of this event here I will be speaking online about ‘Antisemitism and the Proxification of Antiracism’, the subject of the 4th chapter of Why Race Still Matters to the University of Edinburgh Race.Ed seminar series on February 17. The political utility of antisemitism…

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Race, Sexuality and Rights Workshop

I attended the Race, Sexuality and Rights Workshop at the University of Sydney yesterday, December 10. The event was organised by Dinesh Wadiwel and featured a talk by Jasbir Puar who was visiting Australia to attend the Australian Critical Race and Whiteness Studies Association conference which starts in Adelaide today.

The participants were called upon to read two papers by Puar, one more theoretical which discusses the interrelationship between intersectionality and assemblage theory, and the second on pinkwashing and pinkwatching in relation to Israel-Palestine published in Jaddaliya. These papers and some wider issues around them were discussed in four fascinating interventions by Ihab Shalbak, Gilbert Caluya, Regrette Etcetera, and Angela Mitropoulos.

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Alana Lentin