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Real Australians are a Myth

Race Discrimination Commissioner, Tim Soutphommasane, emphasises 'liberal values' and 'casual racism' but downplays systemic racism.
Race Discrimination Commissioner, Tim Soutphommasane, emphasises ‘liberal values’ and ‘casual racism’ but downplays systemic racism.

On November 9, I published an article in The Guardian, co-written with Omar Bensaidi, on the liberal approach to racism in Australia. Racism denial is rife in Australia among white elites and those captured in the tentacles of what Jon Stratton termed ‘honorary whiteness’.

The article argued that

Standing back as though unimplicated, liberal democracy is proposed as the solution to racism. By comforting middle Australia by repeating the myths of its inherent fairness, systemic racism which, today, holds Muslims of all political hues at the forefront of its sights, the proponents of liberalism leave the structures of racism in place by locating it outside itself.

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Alana Lentin